臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.5(2)

特集名 透析治療技術の現状の到達点
題名 除水プログラムの進化
発刊年月 2014年 05月
著者 大谷 浩一 誠知クリニック臨床工学技士
著者 石田 直人 誠知クリニック内科
【 要旨 】 近年,さまざまなモニタリング技術が透析治療に活用され,循環血液量測定モニターとコンソールを連動した除水プログラムが検討された.
そのプログラムとは,いずれも透析中の患者状態の安定をはかり適正な除水を行うことを目的に設定循環血液量を下回らない除水制御を行うもので,(1) 血管内容量を基準に検討されたBV連動除水(BVプログラム),(2) BVM自動除水制御,(3) 患者の維持Hct値を基準にBV換算されるBVナビゲーションなどがある.
Theme Updates on hemodialysis technologies
Title Evolution of ultrafiltration systems
Author Kouichi Ootani Department of Clinical Engineering, Seichi Clinic
Author Naoto Ishida Department of Internal Medicine, Seichi Clinic
[ Summary ] In recent years, various kinds of monitoring technologies have been used for hemodialysis therapy. Ultrafiltration programs using hemodialysis consoles connected to circulating blood volume monitoring (BVM) systems have been investigated.
The programs include ultrafiltration in accordance with BV, based on measured intravascular volume (BV program). Those provide automated control of ultrafiltration with BVM, and BV navigation in which the BV is calculated on the basis of patients’ hematocrit levels. These programs facilitate adequate control of ultrafiltration to maintain a preset circulating blood volume and stabilize patients' condition during dialysis.
Maintaining circulating blood volume with ultrafiltration is effective for patients with low blood pressure. It is also efficatious at reducing hemoconcentrations and preventing time dependent deterioration of the performance of dialysis membranes. In addition, it has become possible to increase ultrafiltration levels through the use of the ultrafiltration mode (ON-OFF control of ultrafiltration rates).