臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.3(2-4)

特集名 腎代替療法の多様化と看護の新しい役割―標準化と個別化の視点から
題名 腎不全各期における個別性のある看護の関わりと実践 (4) 血液透析ターミナル期
発刊年月 2014年 03月
著者 成田 美保子 山形愛心会庄内余目病院人工透析センター・看護師
【 要旨 】 透析患者や家族には,導入時期から終末期まで何度か自己決定の機会が発生する.長期間透析患者と関わる私たち看護師には,患者の意思を尊重し,その人らしい最期を迎えるためにサポートする役割がある.透析療法の継続や中止も含め,患者がどこでどんな死を迎えたいと思うか機会を見て問いかけ,身近な人に意思を伝えることや方法について相談することも役割の一つであり,家族ができるだけ不安や後悔のないように援助することなど看護師にできることは多々あると思うが,多くの場合医療の現場で話題になることは少なく,社会的な議論も十分ではない.多様化する価値観のなかで尊厳ある死を迎えることの意味をここで再度考えたい.
Theme From the point of view of individualization and standardization -- New role of nursing and diversification of renal replacement therapy
Title Role of nursing professions in end-of-life care for dialysis patients and their families
Author Mioko Narita Department of Nursing, Medical Corporation Yamagata AISHINKAI Shonai Amarume Hospital Hemodiolysis Center
[ Summary ] Dialysis patients and their families face occasions at various times during the course of dialysis therapy from initiation to termination. At these times they must make decisions which affect patients' well-being. Nurses, who provide long-term care to these patients, are responsible for providing support to them to ensure that their wishes are respected and reflected in the end stages of their lives. This support may take a number of forms such as seeking out opportunities to ask patients if they wish to continue therapy and where and under what circumstances they wish to spend the rest of their lives. We must also discuss methods which will allow them to express their wishes to the persons closest to them. We must also assist the families in mitigating their anxiety and ensure that they will not regret how the final days are spend with the patient. However, in many cases these important issues are neither talked about in daily healthcare nor fully discussed as a social issue. We would like to reconsider the meaning of dying a dignified death in today's society where peoples' beliefs and values are diverse.