臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.3(2-2)

特集名 腎代替療法の多様化と看護の新しい役割―標準化と個別化の視点から
題名 腎不全各期における個別性のある看護の関わりと実践 (2) 血液透析導入期
発刊年月 2014年 03月
著者 竹内 千草 昭和大学病院血液浄化センター・看護師
【 要旨 】 血液透析導入期の患者は透析治療に否定的なイメージをもつ例が多く,透析導入を受容できるように指導・教育することは必ずしも容易ではない.また,透析治療を受容できても各患者が透析療法とともに生きる生活をイメージし前向きに生活を修正し,再建するには多くの時間が必要となる.看護師の役割は患者背景を的確に把握して,安全で安心できる透析を実施しながら患者が自己の病状と透析の必要性を理解できる環境をつくり,教育することである.透析療法を受け入れ,充実した透析生活を実現できるように,患者支援を継続することが重要である.
Theme From the point of view of individualization and standardization -- New role of nursing and diversification of renal replacement therapy
Title Tailor-made nursing for the patients who are introduced to hemodialysis
Author Chigusa Takenouchi Department of Nursing, Showa University Hospital
[ Summary ] Providing comprehensible dialysis education is quite important to prolonging survival and improving QOL in patients requiring dialysis therapy. The major roles of dialysis and nephrology nurses include teaching patients what to expect during hemodialysis and the details of dialysis treatment, as well as coaching concerning lifestyles for hemodialysis patients. However, patients who begin hemodialysis may not always be receptive of this education, because it is difficult to face restricted lifestyles including reduced QOL due to hemodialysis therapy. Dialysis and nephrology nurses, thus, need to assess patient's psychological state, and provide hemodialysis education to these patients while considering psychological changes and patients' readiness to undergo hemodialysis.