臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.3(2-1)

特集名 腎代替療法の多様化と看護の新しい役割―標準化と個別化の視点から
題名 腎不全各期における個別性のある看護の関わりと実践 (1) 保存期腎不全
発刊年月 2014年 03月
著者 板谷 妙子 北朝霞駅前クリニック看護師
著者 高田 大輔 北朝霞駅前クリニック腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 末期腎不全患者が腎代替療法を選択する際,腎移植・血液透析(HD)・腹膜透析(PD)のなかでどの療法を選択するかは非常に重要な問題である.
Theme From the point of view of individualization and standardization -- New role of nursing and diversification of renal replacement therapy
Title Individualized nursing for renal replacement therapy
Author Taeko Itaya Department of Nursing, Kita-asaka Station Clinic
Author Daisuke Takada Department of Nephrology, Kita-asaka Station Clinic
[ Summary ] Choosing renal replacement therapy or renal transplantation, hemodialysis (HD), or peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients important issues concerning predialysis chronic kidney disease patients.
Recently, nurse-provided renal replacement therapy has become an option for outpatients. Nurses in charge of predialysis chronic kidney disease patients are required to help patients make decisions about selecting optimal forms of renal replacement therapy. Choices must be made to provide guidance related to prevention of complications and inhibiting disease progression.
However, there is a significant difference in the number of HD and PD patients in Japan. It is necessary to fully describe both the advantages and disadvantages of renal replacement therapy to patients. In facilities not providing PD, introducing other facilities which provide PD for patients is required to help them make optimal decisions.