臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.14(3)

特集名 在宅透析2014 ― HHDとPD
題名 透析導入教育の課題・在宅医療の受け入れを促進するために必要なこと
発刊年月 2014年 12月
著者 森 典子 静岡県立総合病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 高齢化による医療・介護資源の相対的不足が増大するなか,年々老化する31万人余の慢性透析患者をいかに在宅にもっていくかが大きな課題となっている.しかし腹膜透析・在宅血液透析とも普及度がいまだ低い原因には,療法の社会的認知度の低さや医療における自主性の低さのほか,医療者側の原因として患者教育・指導が透析施設とスタッフの負担となっている.
Theme Home dialysis 2014 -- HHD and PD
Title Obstacles to start-up of in-home dialysis in Japan
Author Noriko Mori Department of Nephrology, Shizuoka General Hospital
[ Summary ] In-home dialysis is one of the most promising modalities for ESKD patients and should be more prevalent for the upcoming aging society. However, penetration rates of PD/HHD use are still very low mainly because of the low recognition of these modalities and patients' high dependency on medical services. Another huge obstruction to the prevalence of its use is the laborious patient training and education before and after initiation of PD/HHD. Implementation of this treatment modality should be rewarded socially and economically.
Although shared use of educational tools and development of easier-to-use devices may reduce the labor of training staffs, economic incentives are indispensable to promote the in-home therapy.