臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.12(2-1)

特集名 体重管理が困難な透析患者への支援
題名 体重管理困難事例への看護の挑戦!―個別性に応じた看護ケア― (1) 患者の文化的背景を考慮したアプローチによる,寄り添う看護の実践
発刊年月 2014年 10月
著者 植木 博子 社会医療法人財団慈泉会相澤病院・看護師(慢性疾患看護専門看護師)
【 要旨 】 食べるということは,生活習慣から形成されたその人の文化であり,単純に教育・指導するだけでは,患者が自分の生活に,新たな食習慣を取り入れることは困難である.事例は高齢になってからの血液透析導入となった一人暮らしの女性である.看護として,本人が実施可能な取り組みを検討しつつ関わったが,長年の食習慣を変えられず,体重増加につながり,治療中の血圧低下が続いた.
Theme Nursing care for dialysis patients having difficulty in body weight control
Title Nursing approach in consideration of a cultural background
Author Hiroko Ueki Department of Nursing, Aizawa Hospital
[ Summary ] An elderly woman who was living alone, began hemodialysis therapy. She had to spend a great deal of time in therapy because she gained weight. This was becouse it was difficult to remove excess water from her system. She had the habit of eating pickles frequently and could not quit. This was because eating pickles was a custom in her hometown. We tried to explain that pickles contain a great deal of salt and were not good for her. However, this tack was not productive.
People live in relation to societal influences. Nurses must understand patients' cultural backgrounds in order to teach methods to live with chronic illnesses.