臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.10(6-2)

特集名 高齢透析患者に対する個別化した医療と介護
題名 リハビリテーション (2) 摂食・嚥下リハビリテーション
発刊年月 2014年 09月
著者 國枝 顕二郎 聖隷浜松病院リハビリテーション科
著者 藤島 一郎 浜松市リハビリテーション病院
【 要旨 】 透析患者の死因の第1位は心不全,第2位は感染症であるが,これらは嚥下障害とも密接な関連がある.透析患者では脳卒中の合併率が高く,嚥下障害診療では脳卒中の関与を考慮しておく必要があるが,近年サルコペニアとの関連も注目されている.嚥下障害のスクリーニングには,反復唾液飲みテストや水飲みテストなどがあるが,もっとも大切なことは臨床的な観察である.詳細評価の必要時には,嚥下内視鏡検査や嚥下造影検査を行う.嚥下障害の予防や治療には,姿勢や食形態の調整などの代償法が用いられるが,嚥下関連筋群の筋肉量低下や筋力低下が関与した嚥下障害ではレジスタンストレーニングを含む運動療法や栄養管理が重要である.口腔ケアは常に必須であり呼吸理学療法も有用である.高齢透析患者の嚥下障害診療においては,多くの医療職による多職種融合や,介護スタッフや家族との連携が重要である.
Theme Individualized treatment and care for elderly dialysis patients
Title Dysphagia rehabilitation in elderly dialysis patients : etiology, assessment and clinical management
Author Kenjiro Kunieda Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital
Author Ichiro Fujishima Seirei Hamamatsu City Rehabilitation Hospital
[ Summary ] In dialysis patients, heart failure is the number one cause of death, with infectious diseases being second.These conditoins are closely associated with dysphagia. Elderly dialysis patients are at risk of complications such as cerebrovascular disease. Therefore, we must consider the problems caused by dysphagia. Dysphagia associated with sarcopenia has received a great deal of attention recently. To detect dysphagia, a variety of screening tools and assessment methods are helpful, such as RSST, the water swallowing test, and others. However, observing patients clinically is most valuable. Videoendoscopic and videofluoroscopic examinations are needed for precise diagnosis and further management. For dysphagia treatment we use various compensatory techniques, of which postural techniques and dietary modification are most important. Resistance training for swallowing muscles and nutritional management are important for dysphagia associated with low muscle mass and low muscle strength. Oral care is essential and respiratory physical therapy is helpful as well. A transdisciplinary approach by medical staff members and collaboration with caregivers and families of patients are important for clinical management of elderly dialysis patients with dysphagia.