臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.10(5)

特集名 高齢透析患者に対する個別化した医療と介護
題名 ADL の低下への対応:転倒を防ぐには?―サルコペニアを含めて―
発刊年月 2014年 09月
著者 三浦 美佐 筑波技術大学保健科学部理学療法学専攻・理学療法士
著者 伊藤 修 東北大学大学院医学系研究科機能医科学講座内部障害学分野
【 要旨 】 慢性腎臓病(CKD)患者はサルコぺニアに罹患しやすく,腎機能低下とともにサルコペニア合併率は上昇し,また,サルコぺニア関連因子はCKDの増悪にも関連する.CKD患者は筋力低下に伴う転倒危険性,易骨折の危険性が指摘されており,腎機能が低下するほど大腿骨骨折のリスクが高まる.透析患者は運動機能は低下しているが,ADLは代償動作によってかろうじて維持できている状態である.転倒予防のためにも,包括的なケアである腎臓リハビリテーションが有効である.運動療法としてレジスタンス運動と有酸素運動,バランス運動を組み合わせたプログラムが効果的である.
Theme Individualized treatment and care for elderly dialysis patients
Title Aging, disabilities and frailty in CKD patients
Author Misa Miura Course of Physical Therapy, Department of Health, Tsukuba University of Technology
Author Osamu Ito Internal Medicine and Rehabillitation Science, Tohoku University of Medicine
[ Summary ] Hemodialysis (HD) patients exhibit lower levels of fitness along with various structural, metabolic, and functional abnormalities due to uremic induced changes in skeletal muscles. The exercise capacity of HD patients declines independently of the extent of renal dysfunction. Furthermore, patients undergoing hemodialysis are at high risk of falls, with subsequent complications including fractures, loss of independence, hospitalization, and institutionalization. Aerobic and resistance exercise are beneficial not only in terms of improving physical functioning including maximal oxygen uptake and muscle strength, but also in improving anthropometrics, nutritional status, hematological indexes, inflammatory cytokine levels, depression, and health-related quality of life. Recently, interventions during hemodialysis sessions have become more popular and have been shown to be safe. It is time we incorporate exercise into the routine care of HD patients. However, the determination of an optimal exercise regimen or regimens according to patients' characteristics and needs is still necessary to facilitate implementation of exercise programs.