臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.10(3-2)

特集名 高齢透析患者に対する個別化した医療と介護
題名 栄養障害への対応―MIA症候群も含めて―(2) 管理栄養士の立場から
発刊年月 2014年 09月
著者 中嶌 美佳 医療法人社団清永会矢吹病院健康栄養科・管理栄養士
【 要旨 】 高齢透析患者は栄養障害に陥りやすい.よって定期的に栄養障害の患者を抽出し,多職種で個々の原因に合わせた評価と介入を繰り返すシステムを確立することが重要となる.介入方法は,まず炎症の有無で栄養障害の原因を分類する.食生活に起因する食事不足はさまざまな原因が重複しているため,根気強い食生活状況の聞き取りと地道な介入が求められる.すぐに食欲が増したり,調理の幅が拡がったりするわけではないが,患者の求めるものを確認しながら情報提供を継続する.改善が困難な症例は濃厚流動食の使用や透析中の経静脈的栄養補充療法(intradialytic parenteral nutrition;IDPN)を行う.患者には何が必要で,患者は何を求めているのかを想像し見極める柔軟な対応が私たちに求められる.
Theme Individualized treatment and care for elderly dialysis patients
Title Malnutrition and treatment of diabetes in older dialysis patients with diabetes
Author Mika Nakajima Department of Nutrition, Yabuki Hospital
[ Summary ] Elderly dialysis patients easily become malnourished due to various factors. Nutritional team approaches should be inspected regularly to improve the nutritional status of patients in relation to malnutrition. First, inflammation related malnutrition should be ruled out with CRP analysis. If CRP results are negative, other causes of malnutrition should be verified through careful monitoring of patients’ dietary intake and daily life style. Unsatisfactory dietary intake in elderly patients is caused by various factors such as swallowing dysfunctions, loss of taste, dementia and depressive states. Patient trial-and-error approachs and encouragement is essential to improve these difficult causes. This type of care is often ongoing. If ordinary dietary intake is impossible, enteral alimentation or intra-dialytic parenteral nutrition (IDPN) works well as a substitute. We must understand what our patients really want and respond in a flexible way to changing patient needs.