臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.1(6-6)

特集名 糖尿病性腎症への進歩した腎代替療法―その標準化と個別化
題名 合併症とその対策 (6) 貧血の治療
発刊年月 2014年 01月
著者 水口 隆 川島病院
【 要旨 】 糖尿病性腎症に起因する腎不全患者では,非糖尿病の腎不全患者に比して腎不全早期に貧血が発症し,その程度も強い.ESA(erythropoiesis-stimulating agent)により貧血の治療が行われるが,貧血改善の目標レベルは糖尿病透析患者に特異的なものはない.透析患者の目標Hb値は海外では11~12g/dLが多いが,日本では10~11g/dLであり,糖尿病患者も同じである.糖尿病透析患者では,ESAによる貧血改善に伴う生命予後の改善が認められず,貧血改善の目標設定の標準化は困難である.その理由は,糖尿病患者は動脈硬化の程度が強く,心血管系の合併症も多いためと考えられる.したがって,患者個々の動脈硬化の状態を観察し,その状態に見合った貧血改善の目標を設定する必要がある.
Theme Up-to-date renal replacement therapy for diabetic nephropathy -- Standardization and personalization
Title Treatment for renal anemia
Author Takashi Mizuguchi Kawashima Hospital
[ Summary ] In comparison with the number of renal failure cases in non-diabetic patients, patients with renal failure caused by diabetic kidney disease tend to develop anemia at an earlier stage in their renal failure, and more severely. Anemia is treated with ESA, but target levels for anemia correction are not specific to diabetic dialysis patients. Overseas, target Hb values for dialysis patients are usually between 11 and 12 g/dL. However, in Japan they are between 10 and 11 g/dL, and the same targets are applied to diabetic patients. The survival prognosis for diabetic dialysis patients is not improved as a result of correcting anemia with ESA, and it is difficult to standardize target levels for anemia correction. The reason for this is thought to be that diabetic patients have high levels of arterial sclerosis. As a result they have high levels of cardiovascular complications. For this reason, there is a need to monitor the state of arterial sclerosis of individual patients, and targets for anemia correction should be set in reference to this state.