臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.1(6-4)

特集名 糖尿病性腎症への進歩した腎代替療法―その標準化と個別化
題名 合併症とその対策 (4) 末梢血管病変(PAD)および足病変の予防と対策
発刊年月 2014年 01月
著者 熊田 佳孝 松波総合病院心臓血管外科センター
【 要旨 】 糖尿病透析患者が増加している近年では,PADがなくても糖尿病足病変が増加し,日頃のフットケアがその予防,悪化防止には重要となってきている.さらに,透析患者はPADの合併が非常に多く,透析期間が長期に及ぶにつれてその発症頻度も増加してくる.自覚症状も乏しく,足部の潰瘍,壊死でやっと受診するケースも多く,早期発見・早期治療が必要であり,個別化した対応がとくに求められる.とくに,糖尿病透析患者は,末梢神経障害も伴い,創が非常に重篤化しやすく,感染が急激に悪化することがまれでない.日常診療から足部にも気を配ることが大切である.
Theme Up-to-date renal replacement therapy for diabetic nephropathy -- Standardization and personalization
Title The measure and prevention of peripheral artery disease and diabetic foot in hemodialysis patients
Author Yoshitaka Kumada Matsunami General Hospital
[ Summary ] Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is observed in 15 to 20 % of hemodialysis patients. The risk of lower limb amputation is reportedly 10-times higher in this group as compared to the general population. Diabetes mellitus now accounts for more than half of the primary factors leading to a need for hemodialysis therapy. This situation strongly affects the development of PAD and its prognosis. In our cohort study after initiation of hemodialysis therapy, 10-year event-free rates for development of PAD and lower limb amputation where significantly lower in the diabetes patients than in non-diabetes patients (60.3 % vs. 82.8 % and 93.9 % vs. 98.9 %, respectively). Hypoalbuminemia and elevated C-reactive protein levels were also identified as predictors. In patients with diabetes, quartile analysis of HbA1c levels showed that the highest quartile group had significant development of PAD and lower limb amputation compared to lower quartile groups (33.1 % vs. 9.9 % and 6.1 % vs. 0.9 %, respectively). This data suggests the importance of detection of disease in the early stages of PAD and well controlled glycemic levels for hemodialysis patients with diabetes. Furthermore, daily foot care is also clinically important for both primary and secondly prevention for PAD due to the co-morbid conditions such as chronic inflammation or malnutrition in this population.