臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.1(6-1)

特集名 糖尿病性腎症への進歩した腎代替療法―その標準化と個別化
題名 合併症とその対策 (1) 脳血管障害の予防と対策
発刊年月 2014年 01月
著者 鶴屋 和彦 九州大学大学院包括的腎不全治療学
【 要旨 】 糖尿病性腎症を原疾患とする透析患者は脳血管障害のリスクが高く,わが国の透析患者全体と比較しても死因の割合が高い.糖尿病透析患者における特徴は,透析中および透析後立位での血圧低下をきたしやすく,血行力学性脳梗塞を起こすリスクが高いことである.その予防としては,ドライウエイトを適切に設定し,単位時間当りの除水量を少なくすることが重要である.透析患者では,心房細動の罹患率がきわめて高いが,脳卒中への寄与は不明であり,抗凝固療法による脳卒中抑制効果も明らかではない.血栓溶解療法は,透析患者でも適応となりうるため,専門医への搬送体制を整備しておくことが望ましい.また,脳血管障害発症後の腎不全管理では,頭蓋内圧が亢進しにくい透析法を施行すべきである.
Theme Up-to-date renal replacement therapy for diabetic nephropathy -- Standardization and personalization
Title Prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases in diabetic dialysis patients
Author Kazuhiko Tsuruya Department of Integrated Therapy for Chronic Kidney Disease, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
[ Summary ] Dialysis patients due to diabetic nephropathy are at high risk for incident cerebrovascular diseases. They experience higher mortality rates than other dialysis patients in Japan. Diabetic dialysis patients are predisposed to experience ischemic strokes of hemodynamic origin because they are prone to suffer from hypotension during hemodialysis or tilting after hemodialysis. Optimal settings, including dry weight and limitation of ultrafiltration rates during hemodialysis should be kept in mind in order to prevent hemodialysis-associated hypotension and subsequent strokes. In other words, it is important to educate patients to reduce their interdialytic weight gain. In dialysis patients, the prevalence of atrial fibrillation is extremely high. However, an association with stroke involvement still remains unclear and the preventive effects of anticoagulant agents on brain infarction are also unclear. Many practitioners who treat stroke victims think thrombolytic therapy can be applicable to dialysis patients. Therefore, it is recommended that dialysis physicians should establish systems to transport those patients to specialized hospitals. Shortly after onset, dialysis methods which cause only mild increases in intracranial pressure should be selected.