臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.9(10)

特集名 透析スタッフに必要な腎移植医療の知識2013
題名 小児腎移植の現況
発刊年月 2013年 08月
著者 服部 元史 東京女子医科大学腎臓小児科
【 要旨 】 小児末期腎不全診療(とくに腎移植)の現況について概説する.近年の慢性腎不全診療の進歩は目覚ましく,小児患者の長期生存が可能となっている.腎移植は適応が拡大されつつあり(ABO血液型不適合症例や原発性過蓚酸尿症に対する肝・腎複合移植など),また最近の安定した成績を背景として先行的腎移植が積極的に実践されている.現在の治療目標は,自立した社会人に育てることにあり,保存期腎不全の時期から,子どもたちの生涯にわたる腎不全治療計画を立てることが肝要である.また,小児末期腎不全診療は長期間かつ多方面にわたるため,さまざまな職種の医療従事者との密接な連携が必要不可欠である.
Theme Necessary kidney transplant knowledge for the dialysis staff, 2013
Title Current status of pediatric kidney transplantation
Author Motoshi Hattori Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] The current status of therapy for pediatric patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) is briefly reviewed. Recent advances in medical treatment, including dialysis and kidney transplantation (KTx) have made it possible for these patients to survive to adulthood with ESKD. Since KTx is the best option for children with ESKD, the number of children receiving a preemptive KTx is increasing. ABO-incompatible KTx and sequential combined liver-kidney transplantation have been successfully performed. At present, the goal of therapy for pediatric patients with ESKD is to attain good psychosocial outcomes as adults. Therapy for pediatric patients with ESKD should be multi-disciplinary, including not only the pediatric nephrologists but also surgeons, nurses, social workers, dieticians, and psychologists.