臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.8(5-2-1)

特集名 透析患者の栄養障害とNSTの可能性
題名 規模別NST活動の展開 (2) 亜急性期~慢性期病院 1. 入院・通院透析患者の一貫した栄養評価・指導
発刊年月 2013年 07月
著者 上嶋 章子 仁真会白鷺病院栄養管理科・管理栄養士
著者 奥野 仙二 仁真会白鷺病院内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者の慢性的な栄養障害は生命予後に大きく関与している.とくに高齢者や糖尿病患者,長期透析患者は栄養障害を伴うことが多い.栄養障害の原因は,食事摂取量の不足,異化亢進,合併症,慢性炎症などがあり死亡率と強い相関がある.栄養状態悪化を早期に発見し早期治療をすることがQOLや生命予後の改善につながる.当院では,入院患者を対象にNST(nutrition support team)活動を開始したが,入院時のみの栄養評価・指導では,透析患者の栄養改善は困難であると考え,通院透析患者もNSTの対象とした.メンバーは,医師,管理栄養士,薬剤師,病棟看護師に加えて透析室看護師とした.そして,入院・通院透析患者の一貫した栄養評価・指導を行っている.
Theme Protein-energy wasting and potentiality of NST in dialysis patients
Title Nutritional assessment by NST for outpatient maintenance on dialysis
Author Nobuko Ueshima Department of Nutrition, Shirasagi Hospital
Author Senji Okuno Department of Medicine, Shirasagi Hospital
[ Summary ] Protein-energy wasting is a common complication observed in patients with chronic kidney disease, particularly in maintenance dialysis patients. Elderly patients, diabetics, and long term dialysis patients are often observed with this condition along with associated nutritional disorders. There are many causes of protein-energy wasting, due to inadequate protein and energy intake, inflammation, nutritional loss into dialysates, metabolic acidosis, and endocrine disorders. Protein-energy wasting is closely associated with higher morbidity and mortality, therefore nutritional management is necessary to prevent malnutrition and to maintain optimum nutritional status. A nutrition support team (NST) was developed with members who were dietitians, doctors, pharmacists, and nurses in 2005 to manage the nutritional status of hospitalized dialysis patients. Because nutritional management not only of hospitalized patients but also of outpatients is important, we added nurses from outside dialysis facilities to our NST in 2005. We also developed an original system to easily evaluate patient nutritional status and to track progress. Our NSTs are striving to improve hospital care and to develop consistent nutritional evaluation and support systems for dialysis patients to prevent and/or ameliorate protein-energy wasting.