臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.8(5-1-2)

特集名 透析患者の栄養障害とNSTの可能性
題名 規模別NST活動の展開 (1) 急性期病院 2. 急性期透析病院におけるNST活動の実際
発刊年月 2013年 07月
著者 小川 晴久 東葛クリニック病院栄養部・管理栄養士
著者 深沢 雄一 東葛クリニック病院
著者 秋山 和宏 東葛クリニック病院
著者 東 仲宣 東葛クリニック病院
【 要旨 】 当院の栄養管理は,病棟管理栄養士の配置によるNCM(nutrition care management:栄養管理サービス)の導入を経て2002年10月より全科型のNST(nutrition support team)が発足し現在に至っている.NSTへの介入は,NCMによる栄養不良の抽出や医師・スタッフによる提案,口腔ケア・摂食・嚥下評価依頼により決定する.活動は,ランチタイムミーティングと病棟回診を中心に行い,各スタッフが記載したNSTラウンドコメディカルコメントと回診で得た情報を基にNSTからの提案を電子カルテに記載する.また地域連携にNST患者の転院後の栄養サマリー配信やNST研修生との情報交換も実施している.
Theme Protein-energy wasting and potentiality of NST in dialysis patients
Title Fact of NST activity of acute hospital
Author Haruhisa Ogawa Department of Nutrition, Tokatsu-Clinic Hospital
Author Yuichi Fukasawa Tokatsu-Clinic Hospital
Author Kazuhiro Akiyama Tokatsu-Clinic Hospital
Author Nakanobu Azuma Tokatsu-Clinic Hospital
[ Summary ] Since October 2002 overall nutritional management within our hospital has been carried out by the Nutritional Support Team (NST). This was after the implementation of the Nutrition Care Management (NCM) system through placement of registered dietitians in wards.
Intervention by NSTs is determined based on establishing establishing states of malnutrition in patients by the NCM, proposals by medical staffs, and evaluation of requests for oral care, as well as observing eating and swallowing conditions of patients.
Meetings are held during lunch time gatherings as well as during rounds. Proposals from the NST based on comments from NST round co-medical staff members and meetings during rounds are entered into the electronic medical record.
For regional cooperation purposes, nutritional summaries are sent to the next hospital if the patient is transferred. The team holds information exchange sessions with NST trainees as well.