臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.8(1)

特集名 透析患者の栄養障害とNSTの可能性
題名 透析患者の栄養障害とは?
発刊年月 2013年 07月
著者 熊谷 裕通 静岡県立大学臨床栄養学
【 要旨 】 透析患者では,食事摂取量の低下,透析による栄養素の喪失,肝や筋における蛋白合成の低下,異化の亢進などさまざまな理由により栄養障害をきたす.これらの成因には透析患者の体内で生じる軽度な炎症が深く関わっており,栄養障害が長期間持続すると,筋肉や脂肪の減少が生じ消耗状態となる.透析患者の栄養障害の病態は,消耗性クワシオルコルという病態と類似している.近年,透析患者の栄養障害を蛋白質・エネルギー消耗状態として,その診断基準が定められた.この診断基準には,従来から広く用いられてきた血液検査値,肥満度,体重減少,食事摂取量に加え,体脂肪率や筋肉量など体組成に関する項目が取り入れられた.
Theme Protein-energy wasting and potentiality of NST in dialysis patients
Title Protein-energy malnutrition in dialysis patients
Author Hiromichi Kumagai Department of Clinical Nutrition, University of Shizuoka
[ Summary ] In dialysis patients protein-energy malnutrition is induced by such various mechanisms as reduced dietary intake, nutrient loss to dialysate, reduced protein synthesis and increased catabolism. These mechanisms are associated with mild inflammation which forms in the bodies of these patients. The long duration of these conditions leads to wasting of muscle and fat, a condition termed as marasmic kwashiorkor. Recently, the term, protein-energy wasting, has been defined instead of protein-energy malnutrition and diagnostic criteria have been determined. Measurements of body composition and body fat percentages as well as muscle mass are included in these diagnostic criteria in addition to blood analysis, BMI, weight loss and the assessment of dietary intake.