臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.6(5-1)

特集名 CKDステージG3以降の診療と看護・生活支援
題名 食事と運動療法 (1) 生活・食事指導
発刊年月 2013年 06月
著者 加藤 明彦 浜松医科大学附属病院血液浄化療法部
【 要旨 】 CKDステージG3以降は,過度の食事摂取,活動不足,喫煙,大量飲酒などの生活習慣に対する指導が重要である.しかし,これら生活習慣を是正する場合には,個別の対応が求められる.たとえば,食事中のたんぱく質を制限する場合,臨床的および生化学的な栄養素不足の指標を注意深くモニターする必要がある.そして,もし栄養障害がある,あるいは栄養リスクの高い場合は,たんぱく質の制限は慎重に行う.最近のKDIGOガイドラインでは,栄養障害のリスクを避けるため,糖尿病および非糖尿病でステージG4~G5患者では0.8g/kg理想体重/dayを提言している.同様に,塩分喪失性腎症や心不全がなく,低血圧や脱水症を合併しやすい場合は,減塩自体が腎機能低下を起こすことがある.運動療法は中等度の負荷から開始し,徐々に強度を高める必要があり,冠動脈疾患のリスクのある場合は強い負荷は避けるべきである.
Theme Medical treatment, nursing care, and life support for patients with advanced CKD stages
Title Life style and nutritional management
Author Akihiko Kato Blood Purification Unit, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] It is important to advice patients on how to correct their lifestyles. Avoiding high protein intake, low physical activity, smoking and excess alcohol consumption are vital for patients with stage G3 CKD or more advanced conditions. However, when patients are given advice concerning lifestyle modification, individual support is required. For example, when providing guidance on dietary protein restriction, patients must be monitored carefully for clinical and biochemical markers related to nutritional deficiencies. In addition, these restrictions must be avoided for those exhibiting evidence of or at risk of malnutrition. A recent practical clinical guideline concerning Kidney Disease : Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) suggests that lowering protein intake to 0.8 g/kg of ideal body weight/day for adults with or without diabetes or stage G4 to G5 CKD may be accomplished with appropriate education. Dietary salt restriction may also be harmful under some conditions including salt losing nephropathies and those prone to hypotension and volume contraction who do not have heart failure. It is reasonable to start physical exercise at moderate intensity levels and increase it gradually, and to avoid vigorous exercise at risk of coronary thrombosis.