臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.5(1-3)

特集名 透析modalityの多様化
題名 HD療法の多様化:透析スケジュールの見直し (3) 隔日透析・週4回透析
発刊年月 2013年 05月
著者 森石 みさき 中島土谷クリニック
【 要旨 】 間欠的な週3回透析は,生体腎に比べ絶対的に透析量が足りないうえ,透析を行わない2日間によって心疾患死亡や突然死が増加するため,見直しが必要な透析スケジュールである.夜間長時間連日透析は,現在,もっとも高い透析量と臨床効果が報告されているが,経済性,安全性の担保に問題がある.隔日透析・週4回透析は比較的,容易に実現可能な頻回透析であり,中2日空けない透析によって体液管理が良好となり,患者予後を改善させる可能性がある.しかし,診療報酬上,15回目以降の人工腎臓が算定できないこと,透析回数の増加は患者の受け入れが悪いなどの問題がある.数多くの問題を解決し,隔日透析・週4回透析のエビデンスを作り上げることがわれわれに求められている.
Theme Diversity of hemodialysis therapies
Title Dialysis on alternate days of four times per week
Author Misaki Moriishi Nakajima Tsuchiya Clinic
[ Summary ] Intermittent hemodialysis consisting of treatment three times per week is the minimum level of dialysis therapy, which should be provided for patients with little innate renal activity. There is a higher risk of death due to cardiac complications or overall cardiovascular conditions when patients are not treated for two or more days at a time. Therefore, dialysis schedules of three times per week should be reconsidered. Daily nocturnal hemodialysis provides the highest treatment rates and best clinical results. It also provides the best levels of safety and economy. Dialysis scheduled on alternate days or four times weekly provides a timetable, which is feasible in terms of ease for patients. Fluid management can also be more closely managed with these schedules. This type of treatment schedule also minimizes the number of patients seen with concomitant heart failure. Many complications may be avoided by preventing dialysis patients from skipping treatment for two days at a time.