臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.3(8)

特集名 高齢透析患者に対する在宅支援のあり方 ― 看護と介護
題名 高齢患者の在宅腹膜透析における支援の現状と課題
発刊年月 2013年 03月
著者 前園 道子 所沢腎クリニック看護部・看護師
著者 関 智恵子 所沢腎クリニック看護部・看護師
著者 小林 威仁 埼玉医科大学総合診療内科
著者 中元 秀友 埼玉医科大学総合診療内科
【 要旨 】 本邦では高齢者や合併症を有する透析患者の増加に伴い,自己管理や通院が困難な透析患者が増加しており,そのような患者において在宅医療である腹膜透析(PD)はもっとも適した透析療法であることが報告されている.
Theme Role of home support for elderly dialysis patients -- nursing and care giving
Title Present condition and subject of support in elderly patient's home peritoneal dialysis
Author Michiko Maezono Nursing Department, Tokorozawa Kidney Clinic
Author Chieko Seki Nursing Department, Tokorozawa Kidney Clinic
Author Takehito Kobayashi Department of General Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical University
Author Hidetomo Nakamoto Department of General Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical University
[ Summary ] In recent years, elderly patients with end stage renal failure (ESRD) have been successfully treated with peritoneal dialysis (PD). PD is a suitable medical therapy because it enables us to maintain good residual renal function (RRF) and prevent severe heart failure. In Japan, PD remains the principal modality for in home dialysis for the elderly although PD patients account for only 3.2 % (n=9,626) of the overall dialysis patient population.
However elderly ESRD patients, sometimes experience difficulties in the continuation of PD therapy. Problems may arise due to the development of dementia as well as declines in muscular strength, vigor, and overall physical strength of patients. In spite of these difficulties, some local dialysis centers have tried to maintain and manage elderly PD patients at home by utilizing diverse social resources, in addition to obtaining the cooperation of caregivers such as family members.
In Japan, in home support for elderly PD patients is available in several special forms. These consist of utilization of visiting nurse care or home-visit nursing care services. Information concerning renal failure and education on home-care support providers and welfare service facility staff members is also provided. In addition, patient support is given through use of social community support systems, such as a care support institutions and day care centers. Modification of PD therapy through such means as use of automated PD and hemodialysis, as well as PD combination therapy must also be properly implemented. The organization of treatment teams, including physicians, nurses, social workers and dietitians, as well as the construction of centralized patient information management systems are all important for treatment of elderly patients who require dialysis therapy. It is important to consider the best support system in relation to individual patient's situations and needs.