臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.2(8)

特集名 維持透析患者の消化管疾患 ― 症状からみた傾向と対策
題名 消化管出血 ― 診断,内視鏡的止血,手術,透析施行にあたっての注意点
発刊年月 2013年 02月
著者 浜田 弘巳 日鋼記念病院外科
著者 高田 譲二 日鋼記念病院外科
著者 横山 和典 日鋼記念病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 維持透析患者に消化管出血を生じた場合,死亡のリスクが上昇する.上部消化管では急性胃粘膜病変,胃潰瘍などのリスクが高く,下部消化管ではリン吸着薬の多用による便秘が直腸潰瘍の誘因となる.症状から出血部位を推定し,上部,下部のいずれの内視鏡を優先するかの判断が大切である.内視鏡は治療に対応可能なものを用い,病変に応じて止血法を選択する.手術時にはリスクに応じた術式の選択が必要である.止血後の透析は再半減期が短く透析性の良い抗凝固薬を用いる.また循環動態,電解質異常に応じて透析方法も選択しなければならず内視鏡医・外科医と透析医の密な連携が治療成績向上に必要である.
Theme Diseases of alimentary tract in maintenance dialysis patients -- tendency and management from a view point of symptomatology
Title Avoiding gastrointestinal bleeding during endoscopic and surgical procedures
Author Hiromi Hamada Department of Surgery, Nikko Memorial Hospital
Author Jouji Takada Department of Surgery, Nikko Memorial Hospital
Author Kazunori Yokoyama Department of Gastroenterology, Nikko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] There is an increased risk of death associated with gastrointestinal bleeding in dialysis patients. Those patients are at a high risk of having acute gastric mucosal lesions and gastric ulcers in the upper gastrointestinal tract, as well as constipation due to overuse of phosphate binders. This can lead to rectal ulcers. The determination of whether to give priority to upper or lower tract endoscopy is important. It should be based on symptoms used to estimate of the bleeding site. In those cases in which the endoscope can be used for treatment, the correct hemostatic method can be selected in relation to the lesion. At the time of surgery, the proper surgical procedure must be selected in relation to risk. For dialysis after hemostasis, anticoagulants with a short half-life are recommended. To improve outcomes, the selection of dialysis method should be made while considering hemodynamics and electrolyte abnormalities. Close cooperation between endoscopists, surgeons and dialysis physicians is also necessary.