臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.13(4-3)

特集名 腎性貧血治療の新たな課題―ESA低反応性と鉄代謝異常
題名 腎性貧血治療と鉄剤投与 (3) 鉄補充療法における鉄欠乏と鉄過剰の評価
発刊年月 2013年 12月
著者 早川 洋 東京慈恵会医科大学腎臓・高血圧内科
【 要旨 】 CKD患者ではフェリチン<100(ng/mL)またはトランスフェリン飽和度(TSAT)<20(%)で絶対的鉄欠乏を念頭におく必要があり,さらに,フェリチン<50 や,フェリチン<100かつTSAT<20を満たす場合にはその可能性がより高いと推測される.相対的鉄欠乏をとらえるには,フェリチン≧100であっても鉄補充による反応性を見ることは許容されると考える.しかし,その際のcut-off値は明確でなく,フェリチン<200の範囲で総合的に判断することになり,ESAの効果に改善がみられない場合は速やかに中止すべきである.鉄過剰の評価基準は,補充を行う際の安全限界で規定されるが,十分なエビデンスはなく現時点ではフェリチン<250が妥当であろう.
Theme Problems to be solved in the therapy for renal anemia : Association of ESA hyporesponsiveness with dysregulated iron metabolism
Title Assessment of iron status in iron supplementation for renal anemia
Author Hiroshi Hayakawa Division of Kidney and Hypertension, Department of Internal Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] In cases of both iron deficiency and iron overload, as advances in therapy and knowledge, diagnosis is necessary to make subtle judgments on conditions which do not lead to disease levels. We should consider absolute iron deficiency to exist in cases where serum ferritin< 100 ng/mL or TSAT<20 %. And further, serum ferritin <50 % or serum ferritin<100 ng/mL and TSAT<20 % are specific predictors of its presence. When the expected effect of ESA is not achieved, confirmation of response to iron supplementation may be used in order to diagnose relative iron deficiency. This is true even when serum ferritin level is 100 ng/mL or higher. At present, since there is not sufficient evidence, the cut-off value is determined by considering various factors, in the range of less than 200 ng/mL serum ferritin values. However, in these cases, supplementation should be stopped immediately if improvements on the effects of ESA are not observed. Iron overload is defined in terms of safety margins for iron supplementation. However, there is not sufficient evidence, it is considered serum ferritin levels of<250 ng/mL is appropriate at this time. In order not to induce iron overload, without missing relative iron deficiency, iron replacement must be performed minimally under comprehensive diagnosis.