臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.13(4-1)

特集名 腎性貧血治療の新たな課題―ESA低反応性と鉄代謝異常
題名 腎性貧血治療と鉄剤投与 (1) 安全な鉄剤投与法の実際
発刊年月 2013年 12月
著者 山添 リカ 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部腎臓内科学分野
著者 北村 健一郎 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部腎臓内科学分野
【 要旨 】 慢性腎臓病患者では,食事療法に伴う鉄分摂取量の低下・鉄代謝の関与・ESA製剤使用に伴う鉄需要の増大,さらには透析回路内の残血など種々の要因から鉄欠乏状態に陥りやすい.したがって,効果的な腎性貧血治療のために鉄剤の投与は非常に重要である.一方,鉄剤の過剰投与は生体内で酸化ストレスを生じ,感染や動脈硬化の悪化に関連するとされる.この両者の側面を踏まえ,われわれは,鉄剤の静脈注射の投与頻度に着目し,できるかぎり酸化ストレスを抑え,かつ貧血改善に有効な投与方法を模索している.本稿では,静注鉄剤の投与頻度を中心に,鉄剤の安全な投与について述べる.
Theme Problems to be solved in the therapy for renal anemia : Association of ESA hyporesponsiveness with dysregulated iron metabolism
Title Appropriate iron therapy dosages
Author Rika Yamazoe Department of Nephrology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University
Author Kenichiro Kitamura Department of Nephrology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University
[ Summary ] Iron deficiency is one of the most common problems for patients with chronic kidney diseases. An imbalance in iron levels may result due to various reasons. These include potential limitations on iron intake in dietary therapy, dysfunction of iron metabolism, an increases in iron consumption following ESA administration, as well as blood loss in dialysis circuits. Therefore, iron administration is critical for effective treatment of renal anemia. On the other hand, an excessive dosage of iron may lead to increased oxidative stress. It may also be associated with infections or atherosclerosis. Based on the pros and cons of iron therapy, we investigated effective intravenous iron administration frequency to reduce oxidative stress. We describe safe dosages of iron in terms of administration frequency.