臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.12(4-1)

特集名 透析スタッフの教育と診療レベルの向上
題名 各職種の現場でのスタッフ教育 (1) 透析医を志す医師の研修
発刊年月 2013年 11月
著者 秋葉 隆 東京女子医科大学腎臓病総合医療センター血液浄化療法科
【 要旨 】 日本透析医学会の専門医の今後の方向性について論じた後,その資格取得について,経験の長い医師と,研修を開始する透析医を目指す医師に分けて紹介した.最後に「専門医」を目指すことのincentiveの与え方について言及し,将来の専門医制度のあり方について言及した.
Theme Education of the dialysis staff to achieve better quality care
Title Training of the doctors who want to be board-certified dialysis doctor
Author Takashi Akiba Department of Blood Purification, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] The future of Board-certificated dialysis doctors in the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy is discussed. The actual practice of approval of Board-certificated dialysis doctors is discussed in cases experienced by experienced dialysis doctors and in cases involving novice doctors. After discussion on providing incentives to become Board-certificated dialysis doctors, the future of Board-certificated doctors is examined.