臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.9(2-8)

特集名 透析患者における生活習慣改善策
題名 [各論―各生活習慣が及ぼす影響と具体的な対策]日常生活および透析時の感染予防―アクセスも含めて
発刊年月 2012年 08月
著者 大石 和久 浜松医療センター腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者は免疫不全の状態にあるため感染症に罹患しやすい.透析室は感染リスクが高い特殊な環境にあるため,血液透析患者における感染予防のためのCenters for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)ガイドラインを通じて正しい感染対策を理解し実行する必要がある.透析室では,患者や器材に触れるときはいつも手袋を着用し,手袋を外した後は手洗いを行う.手指衛生は液体石鹸と流水での手洗いが基本であるが,手指が目に見えて汚れていない場合は擦式アルコール消毒薬による手指衛生が推奨されている.日々の環境整備と血液汚染時の適切な対処が感染リスクを減らす.また,ワクチン接種により感染症による入院・死亡のリスクを軽減することができる.エビデンスに基づき,無駄のない適切な感染対策をとる必要がある.
Theme Improving Plans for Lifestyle in Patients on Chronic Dialysis
Title Prevention and control for infection in dialyzed patients
Author Kazuhisa Ohishi Department of Nephrology, Hamamatsu Medical Center
[ Summary ] Patients with end-stage renal disease are at increased risk of morbidity and mortality because of infection. Therefore, specific aspects of infection control including the prevention and management of blood-borne diseases and other renal care environment-associated infections for this group of patients should be a priority in hemodialysis facilities. In accordance with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, standard precautions taken should be evidence-based clinical practices and measures that all staff members should apply to blood, bodily fluids, excretions and secretions (expect sweat). Skin breaks and mucous membranes should receive extra care for all patients at all times whether or not an infection is suspected. Additional precautions should be taken for those patients suspected or known to be infected with highly transmissible organisms. Compliance with hand hygiene rules is one of the key components of infection prevention and control. Standard hygienic precautions include the use of gloves and hand washing whenever a patient is touched or equipment is employed, such as blood pressure cuffs, clamps or scissors. Daily cleaning of the general environment with detergent and water and immediate decontamination of spillages of blood or body fluids is mandatory. Vaccination may lower the risk of infections and the likelihood of hospitalization, complications and reduce death rates.