臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.5(4-6-2)

特集名 腹膜透析療法―ポストガイドラインの方向性
題名 課題と対策 (6) 腹膜劣化の評価―what's new ? ② 病理
発刊年月 2012年 05月
著者 濱田 千江子 順天堂大学医学部腎臓内科学講座
【 要旨 】 長期間の非生理的な腹膜透析液の刺激によって腹膜組織は障害を受け,限外濾過不全などの透析膜としての機能障害や腹腔内の免疫応答の異常をきたすことが指摘されている.腹膜組織の障害の特徴は,① 中皮細胞の喪失,② 中皮下間質の線維性の肥厚,③ 間質の小血管の血管壁の肥厚と内腔の狭窄である.糖変性産物(GDPs)の含有の少ない中性透析液は,動物実験やヒトでの臨床研究で腹膜細胞の温存や残存腎機能の保持に有効であった.今回のわれわれの腹膜組織の検討では,血管病変の進行が従来の酸性透析液に比べ,軽度であるとともにその進行も抑制されることが示された.今後さらに腹膜障害低減の治療として行われている腹膜休息や,腹腔洗浄,血液透析併用療法などの組織障害への効果に関して検討が必要であろう.
Theme Trend in Peritoneal Dialysis Therapy After Implementation of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT) Peritoneal Dialysis Guideline
Title Inhibitory effect of neutral peritoneal dialysate on morphological alterations
Author Chieko Hamada Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine
[ Summary ] Long-term exposure to incompatible peritoneal dialysis fluids (PDF) may induce functional and morphological alterations in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis (PD). The characteristics of morphological change include loss of mesothelial cells, fibrotic thickening of the submesothelial interstitium and vasculopathy of small vessels. Ultrafiltration failure, caused by increasing peritoneal permeability and dysfunctional immune response in the peritoneal cavity, are indicators of peritoneal dysfunction. Neutral PDF, neutral pH and low glucose degradation products demonstrate peritoneal efficacies. Neutral PDF plays various roles in the preservation of mesothelial cells and host defense of the peritoneal cavity as observed in animal models. Clinical studies indicated that neutral PDF provides beneficial effects on the preservation of residual renal function and retention of mesothelial cells. In our morphological examinations, development of peritoneal fibrosis and vasculopathy due to neutral PDF were suppressed by the presence of conventional acidic PDF. Further examinations of the functional and morphological effects of recently implemented preventive approaches such as peritoneal rest, leverage and combination therapy with hemodialysis and their effects on the peritoneum should be conducted.