臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.4(3)

特集名 腎不全患者相互の支え合いと自立を支援する ― セルフヘルプグループとピアサポート
題名 腎不全看護におけるセルフヘルプグループとの協働
発刊年月 2012年 04月
著者 下山 節子 日本看護キャリア開発センター
【 要旨 】 セルフヘルプグループは,本人や家族の自発的なつながりを特徴とし,それぞれの自立に向けて援助し合うことを目的としている.腎不全患者やその家族が抱える悩みや問題はさまざまで,しかも長期にわたることから,医療者や家族とは異なる第三の支援としてのセルフヘルプグループの存在は大きな意味をもつ.腎臓病患者会であるセルフヘルプグループと協働して取り組んだ「病いの語り」を聴く機会は,看護者や看護学生の感性を育て,看護を問う貴重な学びの場となった.また,語った患者や家族も体験の意味を振り返ることができた.患者と看護者の相互理解を深めるためにも,セルフヘルプグループとの協働は今後の課題となる.
Theme Self-Help Group and Peer Support for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Title Collaboration with self-help groups in nephrology nursing
Author Setsuko Shimoyama Japan Nurse Career Development Center
[ Summary ] Self-help groups are groups of patients and their families which use voluntary ties between members to support one another to develop individual independence. For patients with renal failure and their families who have been confronting various long-lasting health problems, the existence of a self-help groups is of major significance as a third source of support, in addition to medical staffs and their families. We initiated a project in which we could listen to "illness narratives" of patients in conjunction with self-help groups associated with kidney disease patients. The project was a valuable learning opportunity for nurses and student nurses, and helped them to cultivate their sensibilities and ask themselves what deeper purposes nursing may provide. The project also allowed the individual patients and families who delivered the narratives to reflect back on the meaning of their experiences. Collaboration with self-help groups is an activity that should be continued to deepen mutual understanding between patients and nurses.