臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.3(5-4)

特集名 東日本大震災と透析医療
題名 福島第一原発メルトダウンと透析患者 (4) 東京への避難
発刊年月 2012年 03月
著者 木全 直樹 東京女子医科大学腎臓病総合医療センター血液浄化療法科/東京都区部災害時透析医療ネットワーク
著者 新村 浩明 財団法人ときわ会常磐病院
著者 石森 勇 東京女子医科大学臨床工学部/東京都区部災害時透析医療ネットワーク
【 要旨 】 2011年3月11日にマグニチュード9.0の東日本大震災による地震,津波により,水道・電気が寸断されたいわき市周辺透析施設の400名近い透析患者が3月17日に東京へと避難した.東京への避難に伴い,東京都区部災害時透析医療ネットワークの80施設が患者受け入れを行い,10施設が49名の入院患者の受け入れを行っているが,過去にない透析患者の大規模避難であり,多くの問題点も浮き彫りにされた.今回,この大規模避難の経緯と,受け入れ先として行った業務,問題点などに関して概説する.
Theme The Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake and Dialysis Therapy
Title Great East Japan Earthquake disaster and dialysis care
Author Naoki Kimata Department of Blood Purification, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Hiroaki Shimmura Tokiwa Group Joban Hospital
Author Isamu Ishimori Department of Clinical Engineering, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] We report on how dialysis patients in the city of Iwaki in Fukushima Prefecture and the surrounding district and how they were severely impacted by a quake, tsunami, and nuclear power plant crisis. Many of these patients were evacuated to Tokyo to continue their medical treatment.
A magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck the northeast mainland of Japan on March 11. In the affected areas, essential services such as water and electricity were largely destroyed. In such circumstances hemodialysis therapy is extremely difficult. The Dialysis Center in Iwaki town did not collapse. However, essential services such as water and electricity was seriously damaged and put out of action, making it necessary to move 600 patients who were receiving regular dialysis treatment to the surrounding available facilities to continue treatment. The transfer of 600 hemodialysis patients was an unprecedented event. The exodus to Tokyo was coordinated by the Tokyo Ward Disaster Dialysis Medical Network. The Japanese association of dialysis physicians provided bus transportation for 405 dialysis patients and 49 medical staff members who accompanied patients on the bus ride. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government arranged for patients and their families to stay in two locations within the city. The patients were dispersed in 80 hemodialysis facilities and received hemodialysis treatment. All except eight inpatients, returned to the city of Iwaki on April 25th.