臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.3(5-3)

特集名 東日本大震災と透析医療
題名 福島第一原発メルトダウンと透析患者 (3) 新潟への避難
発刊年月 2012年 03月
著者 風間 順一郎 新潟大学医歯学総合病院血液浄化療法部
【 要旨 】 東日本大震災に当たって,新潟県は福島県浜通り地方から透析患者154人の集団避難を受け入れた.患者が到着して透析施設に移送するまでには混乱を伴ったが,その後は問題なく患者を管理しえた.3週間にわたる滞在期間中,一人の犠牲者を出すこともなかった.このプロジェクトにグランドデザインが欠如していたことは問題だった.透析カードの徹底は問題解決の一つの手段になると考えた.
Theme The Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake and Dialysis Therapy
Title Emergency evacuation of dialysis patients to Niigata prefecture
Author Junichiro James Kazama Division of Blood Purification Therapy, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital
[ Summary ] Niigata prefecture accepted 154 dialysis patients evacuated from the Hamadori district in Fukushima prefecture because of the Great East Japan Earthquake. There was some confusion concerning patient care before the first patients arrived at dialysis units. However, these patients they were managed without major difficulty. During their three week stay in Niigata, no patients died or became severely ill. Lack of the grand design was the major problem associated with this project. Encouraging patients to carry their dialysis treatment cards could contribute to improved care in disaster situations.