臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.3(3-3)

特集名 東日本大震災と透析医療
題名 東北大震災 ― 被災地からの報告 (2) 被災地の中核施設として 3. CAPD患者と震災
発刊年月 2012年 03月
著者 荻原 雅彦 雅香会おぎはら泌尿器と目のクリニック
【 要旨 】 東日本大震災において,被災地からみた腹膜透析(PD)の環境は,(1) 建物自体の損壊,医療機能の喪失(ライフラインの確保困難や医療従事者の減少)による透析施設の閉鎖,(2) 在宅治療としてのPD施行困難,(3) 透析器材の不足をきたした.これに対し,患者の安否確認やPD医療に関する情報は速やかに企業主導により提供がなされ,透析施設間における診療連携も円滑に行われた.また,PDは持続的治療として血液透析(HD)ほど時間の切迫性を要さないことから,医療側のハードにかかわらず物流の安定供給が得られさえすれば,かかりつけ病院,後方支援病院のいずれかで可能であった.PDは災害治療においても腎代替療法として有用な治療手段と考えられた.
Theme The Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake and Dialysis Therapy
Title The East Japan Great Earthquake -- the report from a stricken area: PD and earthquake disaster
Author Masahiko Ogihara Ogihara Clinic
[ Summary ] After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the situation for peritoneal dialysis(PD)patients in the stricken area resulted in various difficulties. The first was the closing of dialysis faculties due to the loss of medical centers along with reduced medical personnel. Secondly, there were PD difficulties with home dialysis treatment. There was also a shortage of PD materials. Information dissemination concerning patients' safety checks or PD medical treatment was promptly performed through group initiatives. Cooperation concerning medical examinations in various dialysis facilities also went smoothly.
PD was provided, even in this major disaster, thanks to the efforts of medical staffs and adequate supply reserves.
PD was found to be a very useful therapeutic procedure for kidney patients even in disaster situations.