臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.3(3-1)

特集名 東日本大震災と透析医療
題名 東北大震災― 被災地からの報告 (1) 被災病院として ― 災害拠点病院石巻赤十字病院透析センターからの報告
発刊年月 2012年 03月
著者 木下 康通 石巻赤十字病院
著者 笠井 暁史 石巻赤十字病院
著者 橋本 英明 石巻赤十字病院
著者 安藤 重輝 石巻赤十字病院
著者 佐藤 和人 石巻赤十字病院
【 要旨 】 東日本大震災で石巻市は地震と津波により大被害を受けた.石巻医療圏の透析施設も4施設中3施設で透析ができなくなり,透析ができたのは石巻赤十字病院だけであった.当初,石巻赤十字病院だけで医療圏内の透析をすべて行わなければならなかった.数日後からは圏外施設の協力を得て透析を行った.停電,断水,通信の途絶,資材の不足など多数の問題もあった.当院が震災前の透析の体制に戻ったのは18日後であった.この災害の初期をなんとか乗り切れたのは,当院が災害拠点病院であったこと,周囲の施設と協力して災害に対応できたからである.この間の当院透析センターの状況を報告する.
Theme The Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake and Dialysis Therapy
Title Report on hemodialysis treatment in the Great East Japan Earthquake at Japanese Red Cross Ishinomaki Hospital
Author Yasumichi Kinoshita Japanese Red Cross Ishinomaki Hospital
Author Satoshi Kasai Japanese Red Cross Ishinomaki Hospital
Author Hideaki Hashimoto Japanese Red Cross Ishinomaki Hospital
Author Shigeki Andou Japanese Red Cross Ishinomaki Hospital
Author Kazuto Satou Japanese Red Cross Ishinomaki Hospital
[ Summary ] During the Great East Japan Earthquake, there was great deal of damage in the Ishinomaki area, caused by both the earthquake and the tsunami. Three out of four hemodialysis facilities could not continue hemodialysis treatment. On the other hand, our facility, Japan Red Cross Ishinomaki Hospital (J.R.C. Ishinomaki Hospital) was able to do so. Immediately after the disaster, all hemodialysis therapy for patients living in this area had to be performed at our hospital. Several days later, we were able to receive help from other hemodialysis facilities outside the Ishinomaki area. Many more problems including power failure, suspension of the water supply, communication outages, and lack of materials for dialysis therapy were encountered. Eighteen days after the initial disaster, hemodialysis treatment at our hospital returned to normal. We were able to survive the disaster, because our hospital was a disaster base hospital and we received cooperation from neighboring facilities to deliver hemodialysis treatment. This report examines the performance of the Hemodialysis Center at the J.R.C. Ishinomaki Hospital during the period of that disaster.