臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.3(1)

特集名 東日本大震災と透析医療
題名 災害と透析医療 ― 日本透析医会の取り組み
発刊年月 2012年 03月
著者 杉崎 弘章 八王子東町クリニック/日本透析医会
【 要旨 】 透析療法は断水,停電などでは維持できず,きわめて災害に弱い治療である.したがって,各施設の災害対策は重要であり,被災が広範囲になれば後方支援が必須である.そこで,日本透析医会は昭和62(1987)年度から災害対策を模索してきた.そして,さまざまな災害を経験し,現在では40都道府県に支部が結成され,本部,支部,会員と行政,関連企業を結ぶ4本のデジタル連絡網を運営している.しかしながら,まだ,災害時における被災施設からの情報は少ない.時代とともに情報ツールは進歩しているので,今後も情報の発信,収集の利便性,安全性を模索しながら進歩しなければならない.
Theme The Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake and Dialysis Therapy
Title Post-disaster measures taken by Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians
Author Hiroaki Sugisaki Hachiojiazuma-cho Renal Clinic / The Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians
[ Summary ] Dialysis a type of treatment which is very difficult provide in disaster situations. Maintainonce of therapy may not be possible due to lack of fresh water, electricity and other elements of infrastructure. Therefore, fundamental support individual is indispensable to provide anti-disaster measures to individual medical hospitals and clinics when there is widespread damage. As a result, the Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians has striven to develop anti-disaster measures since 1987. It is presently dealing with various disasters There are 40 administrative distrists for disaster relief in Japan. They manage 4 local digital networks which link the Ministrys of Health, Labor and Welfare to local goverments and related organizations. However, there is still a lack of information from care facilities, which are affected. This situation must be remedied to provide health care information in disaster situations.