臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.2(4)

特集名 糖尿病腎症と血糖コントロール
題名 糖尿病血液透析患者でのグリコアルブミン(GA)の血糖指標としての有用性
発刊年月 2012年 02月
著者 稲葉 雅章 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科代謝内分泌病態内科学
【 要旨 】 糖尿病血液透析患者では,貧血やエリスロポエチン(rHuEPO)投与によって赤血球寿命が変化することから,HbA1c値の血糖コントロール指標としての有用性は限定的なものとなる.代替指標としてグリコアルブミン(GA)の有用性が最近の一連の研究で評価され,横断研究による動脈硬化性変化との関連や,血糖コントロール値と死亡率との関連を検討した研究で示された.GA値20%以下では,糖尿病血液透析患者の心血管病既往のない患者では有意に低下することが認められた.この結果,低血糖発作の危険性が少なくなるGA値20%程度が,糖尿病血液透析患者での血糖コントロール目標値となることが示唆された.
Theme Glycemic Control and Diabetes with Chronic Kidney Disease
Title Utility of glycoalbumin as a glycemic marker in diabetic hemodialysis patients
Author Masaaki Inaba Metabolism, Endocrinology, and Molecular Medicine, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Although strict glycemic control also has favorable effects on cardiovascular disease (CVD) in diabetes mellitus (DM) patients, it is not clear in DM hemodialysis patients who are often complicated with severe cardiovascular diseases. There have been several well-designed studies of the impact of glycemic control on the prognosis of DM hemodialysis patients, but most have used glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) as a marker for glycemic control. HbA1c can be reduced independently of glycemic control and is inversely correlated with the weekly dose of erythropoietin injection. Thus we and others have proposed glycoalbumin (GA) as a better index of glycemic control in DM hemodialysis patients. We have recently reported that DM hemodialysis patients with their GA values less than 20 % showed a significantly lower mortality rate than those with GA values more than 20 %, when the patients analyzed were restricted to those without pre-existing cardiovascular diseases.
These data demonstrated that better glycemic control might improve mortality rate in DM patients even in hemodialysis stage, particularly in those without pre-existing cardiovascular diseases, and that GA might provide a better marker for glycemic control in DM hemodialysis patients.