臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.12(2-7)

特集名 管理栄養士からみた透析患者の食事療法のポイント -- 新たなエビデンスにつなげるために
題名 個別対応がとくに必要な症例から学ぶ (7) 視力障害者
発刊年月 2012年 11月
著者 小林 恵 さいたまつきの森クリニック栄養部・管理栄養士
著者 栗原 怜 さいたまつきの森クリニック腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 糖尿病ならびに高齢者透析患者の増加から,視力障害を有する透析患者が増えている.視力障害を有する患者への栄養指導では,通常患者に対する指導法に,それなりの工夫を加える必要がある.本稿では糖尿病性腎症から透析導入となった兄弟症例への栄養指導の実際と,それを献身的に支える母親への指導を中心に述べた.
Theme Points of dietary therapy for national registered dietitian to establish clinical guideline for nutrition in dialysis patients
Title Nutritional education for dialysis patients with low visual acuity
Author Megumi Kobayashi Division of Nutrition, Saitama Tsukinomori Clinic
Author Satoshi Kurihara Division of Nephrology, Saitama Tsukinomori Clinic
[ Summary ] The number of dialysis patients with low visual acuity is becoming more prevalent in Japan in association with the rising incidence of diabetes and the proportional increase in the percentage of elderly in the national population. Nutritional education for diabetic patients is very important not only in the pre-dialysis stage but also after dialysis begins. Patients should also be physically assessed to determine optimal exercise regimens in terms of the type and quantity of exercise. However, dietitians who seek to educate patients with visual disturbances may encounter extreme difficulties in doing so. To succeed they must create new ideas, solutions, and learning devices.
In this study we present cases of two brothers with low levels of vision, who have received daily care from their mother. We discus procedures for education on nutrition and how to carry out these procedures. The first case concerns a 45-year-old male who has been receiving hemodialysis (HD) for 8 years. The second case concerns his 54-yearold older brother, who has been receiving HD for 1 year. Both patients are currently exhibiting good results from their blood examinations. Their weight gain during dialysis therapy has been satisfactory, largely thanks to their mother's devoted daily support and the recommendations of their dietitian.
In coming years these brothers may face growing difficulties in their daily lives as their mother's advancing age may hinder her abilities as a caregiver.