臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.11(3-2)

特集名 腎不全医療とチーム医療
題名 腎移植とチーム医療 (2) 移植内科医の立場から
発刊年月 2012年 10月
著者 長浜 正彦 聖路加国際病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 移植先進国の米国も,かつては日本と同様に外科主導の腎移植が行われていた.しかし,1998年に腎臓内科も加わった移植プログラムが確立したことをきっかけに,現在では手術,周術期管理はおもに外科が,移植前評価,移植後外来長期フォローはおもに内科が中心となった集学的医療を実践している.「移植内科医」は,日本の腎移植医療が「数」においても「質」おいても,さらに成長するために必要な存在である.また,「包括的慢性腎臓病(CKD)医療」という考え方で,保存期腎不全管理をしている腎臓内科医や透析管理をしている透析医が,移植施設の移植医と連携を密にとることは,今後の腎不全医療全体を発展させるうえで重要である.
Theme Team medicine in the treatment for renal failure
Title Kidney transplantation and team medicine : from the standpoint of transplant nephrologist
Author Masahiko Nagahama Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, St. Luke's International Hospital
[ Summary ] In the United States, transplantation medicine is well established and transplant physicians were primarily surgeons until 1988. Then renal transplant nephrology fellowship programs were established. Now, multidisciplinary medicine is well developed in the United States. Hence, transplant nephrologists play major roles in pre transplant evaluation as well as long term follow up of post transplant patients, while surgeons primarily deal with transplant surgeries. The title "transplant nephrologist" is necessary to improve Japanese renal transplant quality as well as deal with increased numbers of patients. In addition, we must have multidimensional chronic kidney disease management teams, where non-transplant physicians such as nephrologists and dialysis physicians, may work along with transplant physicians. This coordinated care is also important to improve renal transplantation in Japan.