臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.11(2-4)

特集名 腎不全医療とチーム医療
題名 透析療法とチーム医療 (4) PD訪問看護師の立場から
発刊年月 2012年 10月
著者 佐藤 洋子 小諸厚生総合病院訪問看護ステーションこもろ・看護師
著者 池添 正哉 JA長野厚生連佐久総合病院腎・膠原病内科
【 要旨 】 腹膜透析(PD)は,心循環器系への負担が少ない,自宅での治療が可能で通院回数が少なくてすむ治療のため,高齢者にも適した治療法であるといわれている.しかし,徐々に日常生活動作(ADL)が低下し,介護福祉サービスの利用も必要な患者が多くなってきた.訪問看護師としての大きな役割の一つは,患者やその家族が安心して生活できるよう,地域のサービスの中心となって医療と介護,医療と生活を繫いでいくことである.訪問看護師としての五つの役割という観点から現状を見つめ,最近の医療状況の変化を考慮しながら,今後の課題と展望を示した.
Theme Team medicine in the treatment for renal failure
Title Dialytic therapy and delivery of medical care by caregivers' team : viewed from home visiting nurses' perspective
Author Youko Satou Department of Nursing, Home Visiting Nurses' Station Komoro, Komoro Kousei General Hospital
Author Masaya Ikezoe Department of Internal Medicine for Renal and Collagenosis, Saku Central Hospital
[ Summary ] Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is the kind of therapy which is suited for the elderly, because the burdens it causes on the cardiovascular system are insignificant, and because the patients may be treated at their homes without frequent visits to their hospitals. With an increase in dialysis patients among the elderly across the nation, there will presumably appear increasingly many cases to which PD is introduced, even though they find themselves merely in a state where care is required. In order to enable PD patients to continuously receive home care without any anxiety, home-visiting nurses may play a role in delivering medical and home care as a core of community services. But the fact remains that the burdens on the shoulders of caregivers who are supporting PD patients are so enormous that the offer of services merely for a short term can hardly catch up with demand. Hopes are pinned on the offer in the future of a new combined type of services which includes billeting and consultation services for persons in need of care.