臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.11(2-2-2)

特集名 腎不全医療とチーム医療
題名 透析療法とチーム医療 (2) 臨床工学技士の立場から
発刊年月 2012年 10月
著者 森上 辰哉 五仁会元町HDクリニック臨床工学部・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 臨床工学技士は,昭和63(1988)年に資格法制化がなされるまで,機器の保守管理以外には穿刺や返血の介助および物品の準備がおもな仕事であった.しかし,国家資格を得て臨床工学技士となり,これを機に大きく業務内容に変化があり,現在ではより臨床に近い業務,すなわち,看護師と共通する業務を多くこなすようになってきた.近年,機器の高度化・安全の担保がとくに求められる時代となってきたが,一方で医療経済はますます逼迫してきた.この相反する現実のなか,われわれにできることは,現場でいかに効率よく安全な医療を提供できるかを考えることであり,また,看護師との連携をとくに深めていくことである.
Theme Team medicine in the treatment for renal failure
Title Dialysis therapy and team medicine : from the standpoint of clinical engineering
Author Tatsuya Morigami Clinical Engineering, Gojinkai Motomachi HD Clinic
[ Summary ] Before legislative qualifications were implemented in 1988, clinical engineers were primarily in charge of the preparation of supplies and providing assistance in terms of performing puncture and monitoring blood circulation, rather than the maintenance of equipment.
However, since clinical engineers have obtained national qualifications, their role in medical practice has changed significantly. Now their duties more closely resemble clinical work, i.e., sharing work with nurses.
In recent years, equipment has become more sophisticated, with safety becoming increasingly important. On the other hand, budgets have become very tight. To adress this contradiction we must consider how health care can be provided efficiently and safely, particularly with the cooperation of nurses.