臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.1(1)

特集名 高齢者医療における透析療法の諸問題 2012
題名 加齢による心身状態の変化 ― 高齢者と疾病
発刊年月 2012年 01月
著者 三木 隆己 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科老年内科学
【 要旨 】 加齢に伴う臓器の機能低下は,臓器によっても,個人によっても大きな差がある.また,高齢者は身体の臓器機能が低下するのみならず,精神的・経済的な問題も抱えていることが多く,これら複数の因子が,身体の加齢変化に大きな影響を与える.高齢者は複数の疾患をもっているため,加齢変化は増強され,疾患の回復に悪影響を与える.加齢変化,とくに高齢者の加齢変化には,医師のみならず,看護や介護,行政や法律家を交えたチームによる評価と対応が必要である.
Theme Problems Involved with Dialysis Therapy in the Elderly Medicine
Title Aging and physiological changes
Author Takami Miki Geriatric Medicine and Neurology, Osaka City University Hospital
[ Summary ] Functional deteriorations in the elderly are often observed in various systems such as circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, kidneys, bones and muscles, and nervous. Clinically, increases in systolic pressure, and decreases in diastolic pressure commonly observed in elderly patients. Declines in autonomic nervous system functioning may lead to reduced circulation to the brain, resulting in falls after meals or urination. Declines in renal functions are often seen in the early phases of aging. Some functions are rapidly lost due to aging. The speed of age related deterioration of physical and/or psychological conditions due to aging is specific for individual organs. However, the speed differs from individual to individual. The elderly usually have both organ related dysfunctions and psychological/economic problems. Age related dysfunctions intensify these problems, and these problems in turn accelerate the speed of organ aging in an inter-related cycle. To ameliorate age related conditions, cooperative efforts between doctors in various fields such as psychologists, and paramedics should be implemented.