臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.9(2-1)

特集名 透析患者と血圧異常
題名 [各論]透析患者における血圧異常の疫学―現況・時代的変遷
発刊年月 2011年 08月
著者 井関 邦敏 琉球大学医学部附属病院血液浄化療法部
【 要旨 】 わが国の慢性透析患者は年々高齢化し,糖尿病患者の割合が増加しつつある.腎移植が少ないことと相まって長期透析患者(透析歴10年以上)も全体の約1/4を超えている.透析患者では年齢,性を問わず血圧が高値であり,加齢による収縮期血圧の上昇がなく一般住民より脈圧が大きいのが特徴である.血管中膜の石灰化により拡張期血圧が低下し脈圧が増大すると考えられ,除水に伴い急激な血圧低下を招き体液量過剰が慢性化しやすい.わが国では高齢化が世界最速で進行しており,指針よりも現実が先行する.高齢者の血圧異常(高血圧,低血圧)に対するエビデンスは少なく,病態が急変しやすい.現場では対応に苦慮する症例の増加が予想される.
Theme Abnormal Blood Pressure in Dialysis Patients
Title Epidemiology of abnormal blood pressure in dialysis patients
Author Kunitoshi Iseki Dialysis Unit, University Hospital of the Ryukyus
[ Summary ] The number of elderly and diabetic patients is increasing steadily. The rate of increase in the elderly population in Japan is the fastest in the world. The current proportion of longterm dialysis patients, > 10 years, is more than 25 % in Japan. Compared to the general population, pulse pressure is higher in the dialysis population. Thus, it is difficult to control volume overloads and hypertension. It is necessary to attain and maintain "dry-weight" by removing excess fluid through dialysis and salt restriction. However, those procedures are time consuming because there is a time-lag phenomenon between attainment of dry-weight and normalization of blood pressure. Evidence is lacking for treatment of hypertension in the elderly and the general population. Better communication between physicians, including cardiologist and comedical staff members, is required to coordinate treatment of medical problems in the chronic dialysis population.