臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.9(1-2)

特集名 透析患者と血圧異常
題名 [総論─CKDと血圧]高血圧の機序
発刊年月 2011年 08月
著者 熊谷 裕生 防衛医科大学校腎臓内科
著者 大島 直紀 防衛医科大学校腎臓内科
著者 山本 浩仁郎 防衛医科大学校腎臓内科
著者 渡邊 篤史 防衛医科大学校腎臓内科
著者 内田 貴大 防衛医科大学校腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 慢性腎臓病(CKD),透析患者の高血圧のメカニズムとして,食塩感受性の亢進,夜間に適正に血圧が下がらないこと(non-dipper型の血圧変動になっている),血圧・ナトリウムに比して相対的にレニンが多く分泌されアンジオテンシンII(Ang II)が過剰となる,糸球体内圧上昇などが挙げられる.さらに,血圧,血管内の水・ナトリウムに比して,末交感神経活動が亢進していることも挙げられる.CKD患者の腎臓内の腎傷害,高血圧,虚血,Ang II過剰などの情報が,腎から脊髄へ向かう求心性腎神経の電気活動を亢進させ,視床下部を刺激し心臓,血管,腎臓などへの交感神経活動を亢進させて血圧が上昇する.
Theme Abnormal Blood Pressure in Dialysis Patients
Title Mechanisms of high blood pressure in CKD patients
Author Hiroo Kumagai Department of Nephrology, National Defense Medical College
Author Naoki Oshima Department of Nephrology, National Defense Medical College
Author Kojiro Yamamoto Department of Nephrology, National Defense Medical College
Author Atsushi Watanabe Department of Nephrology, National Defense Medical College
Author Takahiro Uchida Department of Nephrology, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] In patients with chronic kidney diseases (CKD) and hemodialysis, various pathophysiological factors elevate blood pressure (BP). Since the slope of the pressure natriuresis curve is gradual, elevation of systemic BP is needed to help CKD patients secrete increased sodium loads. This is a mechanism underlying high salt sensitivity in hypertensive patients with CKD. Non-dipper type BP variability contributes high blood pressure. Plasma renin activity and sympathetic nerve activities should be suppressed when sodium loads are increased. However, plasma renin activity and sympathetic activities are not suppressed in CKD patients, which contributes to hypertension. In CKD model rats, activity in the kidneys, such as renal injury, ischemia, and changes in angiotensin II levels, stimulates afferent renal sensory nerves. Information from stimulated afferent renal nerves is transmitted to the hypothalamus. Potentiated activities of the hypothalamus and rostral ventrolateral medulla neurons stimulate efferent sympathetic activities to the heart, arterioles and kidneys, elevating BP.