臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.8(2-8)

特集名 慢性腎臓病(CKD)と認知症
題名 [各論― CKDにおける認知症]重症認知症透析患者の栄養管理
発刊年月 2011年 07月
著者 上村 美香子 重井医学研究所附属病院・看護師
著者 黒住 順子 重井医学研究所附属病院・管理栄養士
著者 川口 法子 重井医学研究所附属病院・看護師
著者 中村 園江 重井医学研究所附属病院・看護師
著者 荒木 俊江 重井医学研究所附属病院内科
著者 真鍋 康二 重井医学研究所附属病院内科
【 要旨 】 近年,認知症患者,透析患者ともに増加しており,両方の条件をもつ患者も増加している.入院,在宅,施設入所など,患者の生活背景はさまざまであるが,栄養管理はすべての患者に必須である.
Theme Dementia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Title Nutritional management for dialysis patients with dementia
Author Mikako Kamimura Department of Nursing, Shigei Medical Research Hospital
Author Junko Kurozumi Department of Nutrition, Shigei Medical Research Hospital
Author Noriko Kawaguchi Department of Nursing, Shigei Medical Research Hospital
Author Sonoe Nakamura Department of Nursing, Shigei Medical Research Hospital
Author Toshie Araki Department of Internal Medicine, Shigei Medical Research Hospital
Author Koji Manabe Department of Internal Medicine, Shigei Medical Research Hospital
[ Summary ] The number of patients with dementia, as well as the number of dialysis patients is increasing simultaneously. Nutritional management is necessary for patients who live at home, in hospitals or in other care institutions. First, we must assess patients’ nutritional status after having collected information from them and their families. Next, we must observe the physical condition of the patient, as well as blood data, vital signs, quantity of food intake, and then choose the best methods by which they can achieve proper levels of nutrition. Even if a feeding tube is chosen out of necessity, optimal nutritional management is necessary for the patient, while respecting the will of the patient and their family.