臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.6(6-1)

特集名 透析患者の歯科領域疾患
題名 透析と歯周病 (1) 腎機能と歯周病罹患との関連
発刊年月 2011年 06月
著者 葭原 明弘 新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科予防歯科学分野
著者 宮﨑 秀夫 新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科予防歯科学分野
【 要旨 】 骨粗鬆症は高齢期によく認められる骨代謝疾患である.腎疾患は骨代謝に関わることが知られている.歯周病には骨吸収が関わることから,われわれは,腎機能は,歯周病と骨代謝の関係に何らかの影響を及ぼすのではないかと考えた.今回は,新潟市高齢者コホート調査結果から,口腔疾患と関連する他臓器疾患との関連を検討してみた.
Theme Oral Diseases and Oral Care in Dialysis Patients
Title Relationship between renal function and periodontal disease
Author Akihiro Yoshihara Division of Preventive Dentistry, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Author Hideo Miyazaki Division of Preventive Dentistry, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
[ Summary ] Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease observed in elderly patients. Chronic renal failure is associated with marked disturbances in bone structure and metabolism. While some systemic factors which contribute to loss of bone mass and progression of periodontal disease have been identified, we hypothesize that renal function is associated with bone metabolism, and as a result is also associated with periodontal disease.
In the present report, we review the relationship between bone metabolism and periodontal disease. Renal function was taken into consideration, in a study of elderly Japanese subjects in Niigata. We evaluated the relationship between bone turnover, renal function and periodontal disease to clarify the disease mechanisms which may be related to each other.
A three year longitudinal study clearly demonstrated that systemic loss of bone mineral density is a risk factor for periodontal disease progression. Osteoporosis and low renal function contribute to loss of bone mass. Some systemic factors related to bone remodeling also modify local tissue response to periodontal disease. Systemic bone metabolism, which may be affected by low renal function, is associated with periodontal disease.