臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.5(2-3)

特集名 HDF(血液透析濾過)の新しい展開
題名 HDFの基礎 (3) 要求されるHDFフィルタの性能
発刊年月 2011年 05月
著者 山下 明泰 湘南工科大学工学部人間環境学科
【 要旨 】 血液透析濾過(HDF)は血液透析(HD)と血液濾過の特性を有するが,さまざまな施行方式があり,必要なダイアフィルタの仕様は異なる.前希釈法は見かけの血流量が大きいので,細孔径が大きく透水性の高い膜を使用する.後希釈法では透水性を高くするために細孔径を拡大すると,アルブミン漏出量が増加するので,透水性能は膜面積で稼ぐ.中空糸およびモジュールは,ともにやや「太く短い構造」でよい.前後同時希釈法は前希釈法による濾過性能維持と,後希釈法による溶質除去効率の向上の両者が期待できる.Push & pull HDFでは血液側膜表面に堆積する蛋白質や血球成分を洗い流す効果が期待できる.内部濾過を促進する方法は数通りある.Ⅳ型,Ⅴ型のダイアライザでは4時間HDで数lの内部濾過が生じるので,高純度透析液の使用は必須である.
Theme Prospects for Hemodiafiltration
Title Required performance for hemodiafilters
Author Akihiro C. Yamashita Department of Human and Environmental Science, College of Engineering, Shonan Institute of Technology
[ Summary ] Hemodiafiltration (HDF), a combination of hemodialysis (HD) and hemofiltration (HF), can be performed in a variety of ways. Technical specifications for diafilters require individual HDF treatments vary from patient to patient. Since blood flow rates are high in pre-dilution HDF treatments, higher-flux membranes with larger pore sizes are required. In post-dilution HDF, ultrafiltration coefficients may be secured by increasing the surface area of membranes because higher pore sizes may lead to a large amount of albumin loss. A module design for both pre- and post-dilution may be relatively large in diameter and short in length in order to avoid high pressures. We expect to maintain the ultrafiltration coefficients with pre-dilution and to provide higher clearances with post-dilution in simultaneous pre- and post-dilution HDF. The development of concentration polarization on membranes may be disturbed in push and pull HDF. Internal filtration may be enhanced by employing several different techniques. Since several liters of internal filtration may be expected by the use of so-called super high flux dialyzers (spcified as class 4 and 5 in the Japanese reimbursement system), the use of ultra pure dialysis fluid may be predominantly required.