臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.3(2)

特集名 腎不全医療における「地域連携」と「チーム医療」 -- 連携モデレーターとしての看護師の役割
題名 [総論]世界と日本におけるEHR(The Electronic Health Record)の現状と問題点
発刊年月 2011年 03月
著者 吉原 博幸 京都大学医学部附属病院医療情報部
【 要旨 】 電子カルテを地域あるいは国レベルで情報統合し,医療の質の向上,医療費の抑制,医学研究に貢献する仕組み(EHR;The Electronic Health Record)は,1990年代から各国で取り組みが進められているが,現時点で十分な成果をあげている例は少ない.その原因として,電子カルテそのものの普及の遅れ,診療情報を統合するために必要な標準規格がなかなか定まらないこと,診療情報を共有してより良い医療を目指す方向へ誘導するインセンティブの欠如などがあげられる.EHRの方式は,基本的にはデータセンターに集めた個人の診療情報を,適切なルールで共有する「データ連携」の仕組みが本筋であるが,過渡期である現在は,基幹病院の電子カルテデータをWebなどの仕組みで関連病院に閲覧させる方式(アプリケーション共有方式)も多数存在する.この方式では,基幹病院ごとに診療情報が分断されるという欠点がある.日本はこの10年で諸外国に遅れをとってしまったが,EHRを運営するための国民的コンセンサスの形成と法整備,EHRの基盤として重要かつ必須な診療情報センターをどのように構築し運用していくのか,診療所レベルでの電子カルテの普及をどう促進するのかなど,国としての決断が望まれるところである.
Theme New Perspectives of Molecular Biomarker in Dialysis Therapy
Title Electronic Health Records (EHRs) : Current status and problems globally and in Japan
Author Hiroyuki Yoshihara Division of Medical Information Technology & Administration Planning, Kyoto University Hospital
[ Summary ] An Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a mechanism which is used locally and/or on a national level to gather information, improve the quality of medical care, control healthcare costs, and contribute to medical research. Although efforts have been made in many countries to promote the use of EHRs since the 1990s, there are currently few instances in which they are being utilized satisfactorialy. This situation can be attributed to various factors, including delays in promoting the widespread use of EHRs, failure to establish standards necessary for integrating medical information, and a lack of incentives aimed at inducing shared medical records and information in order to provide better medical care. EHR systems are in essence based on "data link" mechanisms which, in accordance with appropriate rules, share personal medical information which has been collected at data centers. In the present, period of transition there are also a number of application-sharing systems which enable EHR data from major hospitals to be viewed at related hospitals via the web or other means. One disadvantage with this system is that medical information is divided in relation to the strictures of major hospitals. During the past ten years, Japan has fallen behind other countries in use of EHR. It is hoped, however, that the national government will make decisions on a range of issues such as how to form a national consensus on EHR implementation and will develop laws which will support a national EHR system. The government must develop and operate a medical information center, which would be an essential component of the EHR infrastructure. It must also determine how to promote the widespread utilization of EHRs at medical clinics.