臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.2(5)

特集名 透析医療と他科連携 -- 見逃しやすい疾患を中心に
題名 耳鼻咽喉科【高齢透析患者の平衡機能障害・難聴】
発刊年月 2011年 02月
著者 小嶋 康隆 三井記念病院耳鼻咽喉科
著者 奥野 妙子 三井記念病院耳鼻咽喉科
著者 松本 有 三井記念病院耳鼻咽喉科
【 要旨 】 血液透析の治療成績が向上し,慢性腎不全患者の生命維持が長期にわたるようになった.このため透析患者の高齢化が進み,さまざまな合併症がみられるようになってきた.透析患者は循環障害や代謝障害,神経障害などを有するため中枢性・末性双方を原因とする平衡機能障害をきたしやすい.また,以前より透析患者に難聴が多いことは知られている.慢性的な経過で難聴を認めることもあるが,透析中~直後に一過性の両側性難聴がみられたり,あたかも突発性難聴のような経過をることもある.さらに高齢者では血管病変の頻度が高まり,加齢に伴う生理的な機能低下や障害発生時の代償機能低下もある.このため平衡機能障害が起きやすく,遷延しやすい.加齢に伴う生理的変化で難聴も多くみられる.
Theme Working in Cooperation with Other Departments for Dialysis Treatment -- Centered Mainly on Easily Overlooked Conditions
Title Balance and hearing disorders in elderly dialysis patients
Author Yasutaka Kojima Department of Otolaryngology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
Author Taeko Okuno Department of Otolaryngology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
Author Yu Matsumoto Department of Otolaryngology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] It is widely accepted that patients receiving hemodialysis have higher incidences of dizziness, vertigo and hearing loss. Hemodialysis has contributed to the survival of elderly patients with chronic kidney disease. As a result, the elderly dialysis population is steadily growing. Therefore, an understanding of a wide variety of comorbidities is critical in effectively formulating patient care. Balance disorders in elderly dialysis patients arise from a combination of factors. Age, as well as hemodialysis-induced hypotension influences several types of balance disorders including orthostatic disturbances, cerebellar and brainstem conditions, as well as cochlear vascular disorders. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, labyrinthitis, and drug-induced balance disorders are highlighted in this article. Sensorineural hearing loss is frequently reported in elderly hemodialysis patients. However, the etiology of this condition remains controversial. Hemodialysis also appears to have an ototoxic effect, although it is difficult to distinguish between its effects and the effects of aging. Higher frequency ranges are most affected in sustained hearing loss. Sudden hearing loss can be bilateral or unilateral. Fluctuation in low frequency perception during and shortly after dialysis session is common. The association between hearing loss and duration of hemodialysis remains unclear.