臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.13(2-1-2)

特集名 透析スタッフのストレスマネジメント
題名 [各論]透析スタッフのストレス (2) 透析専門施設の医師
発刊年月 2011年 12月
著者 山川 智之 仁真会白鷺病院
【 要旨 】 透析医療は慢性医療の典型であるが,慢性医療に関心をもつ医師は必ずしも多いとはいえない.また,多くの透析室において,ほかの業務に忙しい透析医は存在感がなく,患者との関係も看護師や臨床工学技士に比べ希薄であり,治療にイニシアティブを発揮するのが難しい状況である.これが透析医のストレスの大きな原因となっている.慢性医療としての透析医療に熱意と能力がある透析医が取り組むためには,職種の業務分担の見直しを進めたシステム再構築が必要である.このことが医師のみならず各々の職種の特性を生かしストレスを軽減する可能性は高い.
Theme Stress Management for Dialysis Unit Staffs
Title Workplace stress encountered by dialysis physicians
Author Tomoyuki Yamakawa Kidney Center, Shirasagi Hospital
[ Summary ] In Japan, the number of hemodialysis patients has consistently increased. Hemodialysis treatment typically consists of chronic care. However, there are not a large number of doctors interested providing this therapy. For the most part, dialysis physicians are busy with other elements of their practices such as outpatient or inpatient care, physiological examinations, and surgical procedures. As a result, the time doctors spend in dialysis room may mot be adequate. The relationship between doctors and hemodialysis patients is consequently often more remote than it is between other medical staff members in dialysis room. Owing to these circumstances, it is difficult for doctors to be adequately considerate of patients needs and to take proper initiatives in the treatment of hemodialysis patients. As a result, doctors may suffer a degree of stress in the situation. To decrease levels of hemodialysis physicians' stress, it is necessary to reconstruct the system of hemodialysis care, including making revisions in the basic duties of care givers. This recognization of chronic care systems for hemodialysis patients may help increase the number of physicians who are hemodialysis specialist, as well as the number of other professionals providing hemodialysis treatment.