臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.12(1)

特集名 アフェレシスUpdate ― 各科領域における進歩と展望
題名 炎症性腸疾患治療におけるアフェレシス療法の現況と展望
発刊年月 2011年 11月
著者 福永 健 兵庫医科大学内科(下部消化管)
【 要旨 】 近年,難治性炎症性腸疾患(IBD)の血球成分除去療法(CAP)は大きな飛躍を遂げた.今回はIBD,とくに潰瘍性大腸炎(UC)とクローン病(CD)治療におけるCAPの現状と展望を述べた.UCに関しては週2回のintensive治療に加え体重による処理量の最適化が,CDに関しては顆粒球単球吸着療法(GMA)による単独治療のみならず抗TNF-α抗体製剤との併用によるhybrid治療の有用性が示唆された.多様化するIBD治療において,効果と安全性を両立したCAP治療は独自の地位を得られる可能性が期待される.
Theme Apheresis Update
Title Current status and future perspectives of cytapheresis for inflammatory bowel disease patients
Author Ken Fukunaga Division of Lower Gastroenterology, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] Dramatic improvement has recently been achieved in therapeutic strategies for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In this report, we review the current and future prospects of cytapheresis (CAP) therapy for IBD patients. CAP for ulcerative colitis (UC) should include intensive bi-weekly therapy and the body-weight oriented procedures to improve the therapeutic efficiency of CAP. Therapy for Crohn's disease should be conducted for remission induction with 10 weekly granulocyte/monocytapheresis (GMA) sessions and the hybrid therapy, consisting of GMA and anti-TNF antibody therapy. In the future, GMA may be used to maintain clinical remission in UC patients through monthly treatments. It may be assumed that CAP therapy has the potential to share an independent status among the therapeutic strategy for IBD patients.