臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.11(2-7-1)

特集名 透析患者の家族支援を再考する
題名 [各論]社会資源を利用した家族支援 (1) 在宅生活を試みた事例から
発刊年月 2011年 10月
著者 白石 純子 横浜第一病院患者さま相談室・MSW
【 要旨 】 今回紹介するケースの家族は,患者の「家に帰りたい」という強い意思にもかかわらず,患者の病状や体調を心配するあまり在宅生活をイメージできなかった.しかし,家族は利用できる社会資源やサポートする人が増えてくるに伴い,患者の希望を「なんとか実現したい」と願うようになった.その結果,種々の要因がうまく絡まり合い,時間の経過も味方して患者の在宅生活への意思が満たされた.
Theme Reconsidering of Support for Dialysis Patients' Families
Title Family support through use of social resources
Author Junko Shiraishi The Consulting Section for Patients in Yokohama Daiichi Hospital
[ Summary ] This paper focuses on family support for aging dialysis patients. I discuss this subject through a case study.
The patient has a strong wish to return home from the beginning of entering the hospital. However, patient’s family members cannot conceive of his living at home, because they are greatly concerned about the patient's condition.
On the other hand, available social resources and manpower for support of patient at home has increased very slowly. Due to these circumstances, family members have gradually changed their opinions and accepted the patient's wish to live at home. The patient’s wish may be fulfilled through good combinations of supporting factors, including family help, as time passes.
Social resources for dialysis patients are not only related to laws, social systems and social services, but also family members and care providers who combine to provide a network of support. Medical staffs who care for dialysis patients must pay attention to patients’ family relationships.