臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.11(2-4)

特集名 透析患者の家族支援を再考する
題名 [各論]ターミナルにある透析患者の家族支援
発刊年月 2011年 10月
著者 樋口 美恵子 札幌北クリニック・看護師
著者 杉村 美砂 札幌北クリニック・看護師
【 要旨 】 わが国でもっとも多くの透析患者を診ている私立診療所の立場から,この問題を顧みた.診療所は主として通院可能な患者の維持血液透析に関わっており,患者の容態が種々の理由から悪化し通院が不可能になった場合には,病院などの他施設にその後の治療やケアを依頼せざるをえない.当該患者の状態によっては他施設で終末期を迎えることになるが,患者およびその家族が備えるべき終末期の準備に対して,診療所の立場で有益で有意義な指導を十分に行いえていなかったことを深く反省した.患者の病態を把握し,患者側にできうるかぎり真実を語り,そのうえで患者側の希望に添うように支援できることが望ましい.そうすれば,転院先施設での治療やケアが円滑に進むことに期待できる.
Theme Reconsidering of Support for Dialysis Patients' Families
Title Family support for terminal dialysis patients
Author Mieko Higuchi Department of Nursing, Sapporo Kita Clinic
Author Misa Sugimura Department of Nursing, Sapporo Kita Clinic
[ Summary ] Problems of family support from the standpoint of private medical clinics, treating the majority of dialysis patients are considered. Medical clinics are primary concerned with maintenance dialysis for those patients who can come to them for treatment. In some cases, for various reasons, when the condition of the patient worsens and they become unable to come to the clinic, it is necessary to request care in a hospital or other facility. Based on the condition of these patients, they may live out their final days at that facility. From the standpoint medical clinics, we deeply regret that not enough guidance is provided so that the patient and their family may prepare for this situation. It is best to follow the patient's condition and let the patient and their family know the facts as far as possible. With this information we may aid them in attaining their desires. If this is done, we can expect that treatment and care will be carried out smoothly at medical facilities.