臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.10(2-9)

特集名 透析患者における運動・リハビリ療法
題名 [各論]透析患者における運動療法と栄養サポート
発刊年月 2011年 09月
著者 松枝 秀二 川崎医療福祉大学臨床栄養学科
著者 市川 和子 川崎医科大学附属病院栄養部・管理栄養士
【 要旨 】 日常の活動量が少ないと,運動機能,運動能力,筋力などが低下して,健康な人においてもQOLの低下や生活習慣病への罹患が考えられる.これを予防するには,生活のなかに運動を積極的に取り入れることが推奨される.同様に,日常での活動量が低いと考えられている透析患者においても,運動療法によってQOLの維持や,運動能力,運動機能の維持・増進が期待される.透析患者に対する運動療法のあり方は,基本的には健康人に対する考え方と同一でよいと考えられるが,患者の状態に応じた対応,運動指導者の資質や施設のあり方などが,健康人を対象としたもの以上に求められる.透析患者の生活活動と栄養管理の現状について述べる.
Theme Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation for Dialysis Patients
Title Exercise therapy and nutritional support to hemodialysis patients
Author Shuji Matsueda Department of Clinical Nutrition, Faculty of Health Science and Technology, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare
Author Kazuko Ichikawa Department of Nutrition, Kawasaki Medical Hospital
[ Summary ] If the level of activity in daily life is limited, physical functions such as motor function, exercise capacity, and muscle strength decline. Even healthy individuals can be affected by lifestyle related diseases, resulting in a lower quality of life. As a preventive measure, it is recommended that patients incorporate physical activity into their daily lives. It is expected that exercise therapy (kinesitherapy) can also improve the quality of life for dialysis patients who generally engage in a low levels of physical activity, helping them maintain and improve their exercise capacity and motor functions. In principle, exercise therapy can be introduced to dialysis patients in the same way it is for healthy individuals. However, support should be appropriate for the specific conditions of individual patients. A better and more comfortable environment, in terms of availability and quality of exercise practitioners and facilities, needs to be ensured for these patients. We also present an overview of nutritional support to be provided in conjunction with exercise therapy.