臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.10(2-4)

特集名 透析患者における運動・リハビリ療法
題名 [各論]外来透析患者に対する運動療法の工夫とその効果
発刊年月 2011年 09月
著者 松嶋 哲哉 才全会賀茂クリニック
著者 大島 章 才全会伊都クリニック
著者 山村 晋史 才全会西新クリニック
著者 速水 陽子 才全会西新クリニック
著者 松嶋 肖子 九州体力医学研究所
【 要旨 】 多くの透析患者の体力レベルは低く,それに伴ってADLも低下している.そこでわれわれは,医療法人才全会で運動療法に導入された血液透析患者のうち,透析中の運動療法を1年間継続し,運動療法の前後でメディカルチェックを受けた30名の患者について,全身持久力,大四頭筋筋力などの運動耐容能について調査した.その結果,嫌気性代謝閾値における酸素摂取量,換気当量,大四頭筋筋力において有意に改善が認められ,運動群の体重支持指数(WBI)が向上したことが明らかにされた.本稿では,運動療法導入までのプロセスと,運動プログラムについて紹介し,安全で効果的な透析運動療法について具体的に述べる.
Theme Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation for Dialysis Patients
Title Clinical benefits of intradialytic exercise therapy
Author Tetsuya Matsushima Kamo Clinic
Author Akira Ohshima Ito Clinic
Author Shinji Yamamura Nishijin Clinic
Author Yoko Hayami Nishijin Clinic
Author Shoko Matsushima Kyushu Medical Fitness Institute, Saizenkai
[ Summary ] Background : Many studies have shown that most dialysis patients have low levels of physical fitness. This is particularly true in relation to on exercise tolerance. As a result, they remain in rather poor physical condition and their ADL (activities of daily living) status is also poor. Nevertheless, it has not been recommended dialysis patients any exercise until quite recently.
Methods & Results : We studied 30 patients who had undergone intradialytic exercise therapy for over one year. They were all evaluated in terms of general endurance using cardiopulmonary exercise tests (CPX) and maximum strength of knee extensor using grip or back dynamometers before exercise. The same evaluations were repeated one year later. After exercise therapy, there was a significant improvement in VO2 levels at the point of AT (anaerobic threshold), VE/VCO2 and maximum strength of knee extensor.
Conclusions : This study exhibits that exercise therapy for dialysis outpatients can improve their overall physical fitness. We also report on methods to introduce exercise therapy to clinics in safe and effective ways.